International Color Number available


International Color Number available


The international standard color card system is the Munsell color system, which uses three independent attributes to describe a color: Hue, Chroma, and Value.

Another well-known color system is the Pantone color system, developed by the American company Pantone, and widely used in the printing and design industries. The Pantone color system is typically employed to specify exact colors to maintain consistency during the printing and production process.

The RAL color chart is a German color standard system used to describe and identify different colors. It was developed by the German organization RAL gGmbH (formerly known as Reichs-Ausschuß für Lieferbedingungen und Gütesicherung, abbreviated as RAL) and is intended for application in architecture, industry, design, and other fields. The primary purpose of the RAL color chart is to ensure consistency when selecting and using colors in various contexts.